Saturday, July 31, 2010

X1 Blogger Feedburner & Other Options

I have tested that blog on a Intel Centrino running @ 1.73GHZ with 1.5Gigs of ram OS Windows XP . I must state that at this time I have no intention of changing my blog in any capacity. On this machine the blog took longer to load due to the specs.

My blog has people that like it the way it is--as well as me; therefore, I am not going to change a thing. What I will do to accommodate other people in a reasonable way that have had issues with the
load time. I have created a feed only version of my blog and this
is the best I can do.

There are 5 ways to access my blog however I will give you the most non-load intensive:

Best: *Option #1: Direct Feedburner URL:

For me this is the best option and you can access it by going to my blog and you will see the subscription symbol directly at the top after the page loads. In this mode you will be able to view all of the documents and videos included in that particular blog entry! So go with option number one trust me on this! You will just not see other pages in the X1 Blog and additional addons. Really you are not missing the content this is what I like most about Feedburner!:)

Better:*Option #2: Reach Feedburner via the X1 BLOGGER FEED ONLY
Blog the subscripton button is there as well along with a message regarding how to access Feedburner. Please note that the only reason for this blog is to access Feedbuner in a lessor load intensive environment. This is not an active blog and its only purpose is to transport people to the Feedburner Options. You may also optionally reach the actual blog via the box feed gadget there.**Here is the URL to that option below:

Better Than Nothing:*Option #3: Access the notes section on this page by clicking the arrow signs as the blog is also imported to the notes of this page. The feed only version will only contain the words and none of the extra addons on the regular for the people that don't really want the additional content or the music or the research. Moreover, this option will just grant you the words and a few images. Most of all if you don't like to leave FB often this is an option for you. Please understand that the incoming feed is dependent upon FB! So things may be updated on the blog and not in the notes section until FB Updates them.

I have researched multiple machines and environments and to my satisfaction in each instance the blog loaded up correctly--it just took a moment. As I have stated I have given you details regarding the machine specs and the load times which are approximate. I think this took everyone into consideration and this provides an overall well rounded solution.

